The Infographic, 28/02/22, Manager

The Infographic - Week 7, 28/02/22 - 07/03/22

My role this week was production manager. My job was to coordinate the work done by the group, and make sure any deadlines were met. First I experimented with Microsoft Excel, and made a Gantt chart. The idea was to have it accessible by the group so that deadlines could be seen clearly laid out on a daily basis. The first draft of the chart can be seen below.

I eventually decided it would be easier to use our group's WhatsApp group chat to collaborate. However, I did not need to nudge anyone along, as the other group members demonstrated an impressive ability to stick to deadlines. Soon, we had finished our infographic and posted it to our Instagram.

The main aim of our infographic was to display data from our survey, which we had earlier conducted on students at the University of Exeter. The survey asked questions about personal device ownership, financial backgrounds, pressures to have technology when starting university, and the Success for All fund. On surveying 20 students, we found:

  • 55% of students felt pressured to buy a new laptop before beginning university
  • 70% of students were not previously aware of the 'Success for All' fund
  • 70% said they knew a student who would benefit from the bursary
  • 30% of students suffer from internet access problems
  • 91% of students felt they needed support for online work
The accompanying infographic pages from the instagram:

We gave students the option to give more detail at the end of the survey. We then looked at key phrases which were used. Phrases such as 'difficult', 'no access', 'non-efficient', and 'insufficient technology' were used. This does seem to indicate that the lack of an up to date personal device is an issue for students at Exeter. Some of the other phrases can be seen below. 

Overall, this was a successful week, with everyone completing their roles before the deadline. If I was the production manager again, I would attempt to master the Gantt chart, as I do think it is a good way of timetabling what work needs to be done. A link to the infographic on our Instagram page @thelaptopgap_ can be accessed below.


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